After having doubted for a while longer, we decided to leave the warm hostal in Puerto Natales and get back on our bikes again to go to the National Park Torres del Paine. After a few miles we met 4 other cyclists with whom we exchanged some information about the route. After a while we left the tarmac and came on a gravel road to the National Park. It was a pretty good road and we had lunch at the only restaurant along the whole road. In the distance we could already see the snowy mountains of the park.
The closer we got to the park, the steeper and worse the road got and the harder the wind started blowing. We had information about a campground right before the park entrance, so after every (steep) hill we hoped to see it. But every time it was another disappointment. The road got steeper and steeper (about14%) and it started storming. Because of that, some of those hills were too hard to cycle and we had to walk and push the bikes. But the bikes are very heavy, so then our arms and shoulders started to hurt. At the only flat and sheltered spot we saw, we stopped and pitched our tent. We were exhausted by then so after having eaten something we went right to sleep.
The next day we got on our bikes again pretty early. The campground was only about 2 miles from where we camped, but in the condition we were in it would have taken us about an hour to get there. So it was a good thing that we hadn’t continued in that storm. The entrance fee of the park is high, but you get back a beautiful world. After having eaten something again, we got back on our bikes for another couple of hours of steep hills. The road wasn’t very good because of all the busses and the hills didn’t get less steep… After about 12 miles (with our average speed of 6 mph it took us about 2 hours) we arrived at a beautiful campground. We didn’t have to think long before we decided to stay there for the night. We had a great spot with a beautiful view of the mountains and even had a shelter with a pick-nick table. We took a nice and hot shower and didn’t do anything the rest of the day except enjoying the beautiful world over there.
We had another 25 miles to go to get to the campground we wanted to go to. This also doesn’t sound too far, but again our average speed was about 6 mph so it took us a couple of hours to get there. When we arrived at a look-out, there also was this bus with dayvisitors who stopped. Of course there were Dutch people in there (they’re everywhere) and we talked to them for a while. One of them is a colleague of one of the cyclists we met earlier. Concidence…
The road was, again, steep so it was another day of hard work even though we didn’t have to do that many miles. We were so glad when we arrived at the campground. Because we were so tired, we stayed for 2 days and didn’t do anything, just sit in the nice and hot sun. We loved it! We spent New Year’s over there, but went to bed early because there was nothing to do anyway. And we woke up and it was 2013…
- Besneeuwde bergen/ snowy mountains
- Plaatje/ picture perfect
- Mooi/ beautiful
- Mooi plekje/ nice spot
- Weer een heuvel bedwongen/ another hill conquered
- Torres
- Zon/sunshine
- Plekje uit de wind/ windless spot
- Ron
- Guanaco’s
- Lopen/ walk
- Donkere wolken/ dark skies
- Lange weg/ long road
- Naar beneden/ downhill
- Weer een heuvel/ another hill
- Slechte weg/ bad roadconditions
- Mooi/ beautiful
- Plaatje/ perfect picture
- Mooie wereld/ beautiful world
- Mooi plekje/ nice spot
Fijn, om weer iets van jullie te horen. Zo te lezen was het de afgelopen dagen wel weer afzien, Nu hebben jullie wel even vakantie verdiend. Eigenlijk is de wereld toch klein als je in het verre Chili nog kennissen tegen komt. Ik nodig jullie uit om eens te skypen. Ik heb sinds kort een webcam.
Wow Linda wat een prachtige foto’s. Ondanks het afzien af en toe heb je vast nog geen heimwee naar ING! En gelijk heb je. Wat een avontuur! Geniet er lekker van.
Groetjes jacqueline
Ps heb je de bandenplak set al nodig gehad? 🙂
Hee Jacq! Leuk dat je reageert. We maken best nogal heel veel mee, wat minder leuke dingen maar vooral ook hele leuke dingen. Vaak eindigen niet-zo-leuke dagen toch nog erg leuk en onverwacht. Hebben het ook erg gezellig met andere fietsers; we komen steeds weer dezelfde mensen tegen. Fietsen wel allemaal ons eigen tempo en schema, maar zien elkaar toch wel vaak weer ergens. Erg leuk. Moet zeggen dat ik idd nog niet bepaald heimwee heb naar ING. Doe iedereen daar de groeten, hopelijk hebben jullie het nog steeds gezellig. Bandenplakset (gelukkig!) nog niet nodig gehad. Hopelijk blijft dat ook nog een hele tijd zo! Groetjes!