We survived the first (hard) days of cycling. From Ushuaia we cycled to the Estancia Harberton which was about 60 miles. The first part was all paved. It started going up from the start, once in a while it went downhill for a little bit but then back up. So it was hard work from the start! We expected the last 30 miles or so to go downhill, but we were very wrong. At the exit to the estancia the paved road turned into unpaved, but it was a good road. And it started raining at that point. Very soon we discovered that it didn’t go downhill, but instead it went up and down and back up en so on. It also started to rain harder and harder so we couldn’t anything of the surroundings and enjoy the views. After a whole day of working hard we finally arrived at the first campground of the estancia. We put up our tent (had the whole campground for ourselves), cooked some food and went to bed. It had been a hard day. All that time it kept raining.
- Klaar voor vertrek/ ready to leave
- Laatste blik op Ushuaia/ last view of Ushuaia
- Toegangspoort/ entrance Ushuaia
- Amsterdam; 13.656 kms
- Nog veel sneeuw/ still a lot of snow
- Mooie omgeving/ beautiful world
- Eerste kampeerplekje/ first campingspot
- Mooi plekje!/Nice spot!
- Water filteren/ filtering water
Hoi, wat een mooie omgeving, mooi plekje voor de tent!!
Niet erg koud ‘s nachts…….
Wees voorzichtig en geniet van de super mooie omgeving.
Roos & Sem zorgen ook een beetje voor Kiki, helemaal leuk.
Liefs Nienke